Russian Championship 2015 in Ultralight aviation (Moto)

Russian Championship in Ultralight aviation 2015, took place in a place Osmino, Leningrad region, Lugskiy destrict, from 18 till 25 July.

Paraavis Company has actively participated in competition program of the championship.
So our employees Maksimenko Artyom, was flying on the trike Skat-3 paraglider Zorro 38, and took first place in the competition in the class "twin trikes» (PL-2).

Thanks for the flight performance of this glider, he faster then than his rivals was doing the exercises and powerful Skat-3 helps to save fuel on tasks with a limited supply of fuel.

Would also like to note achievement a sportsman Klepikovsky Vasily, who took first place in the class of "single powered trike» (PL-1). Vasily won the first place, also using an equipment produces by Paraavis: trike Zummer with Storm F200 and glider Zorro-2 28.

In the class of "single motogliders» (PF-1) took first place Sergey Mikheev. This class has been most participants. Athletes had to compete in the face of strong competition.

On this competitions there were managed to play off a set of medals in a fairly rare class "twin motogliders".