From 15 till 23 August on the Crimea area Russian Championship in paragliders sport took place, which was attended by about 50 athletes from across the country. Despite on less quantity of windy days, the organizers played off 3 days, and the most effective was the first day when the weather was great and with the most quantity participants on finish.


Woman offset:

1. Anna Lozovaya.

2. Oksana Chernenko, glider ParAAvis Joy XXS.

3. Marina Oleksina.


The Champion Of Russia 2015 is Mishanin Jury, second and third place - Samigullin Dmitry and Andriyashin Valery.


Our team took place in the competitions on the ParAAvis wings class EN B and EN C. Especially well, proved itself wings Joy and Joy-II, which flight characteristics let to take part in the racing among sporting wings.


We express our gratitude to the organizers of the competition for a friendly positive atmosphere!