Container "Centaur" is designed for use in a variety of parachute systems in the performance of training, sports and industrial jumps of jumping-rescuers and other professionals equipped or non equipped aircrafts.

Design features container "Centaur":

Container "Centaur" is available in 3 versions:

  • "Centaur" with flight weight up to 135 kg;
  • "Centaur - M" with flight weight up to 160 kg;
  • "Centaur - T" " with flight weight up to 150 kg;

Design "Centaur" and "Centaur - M" provides the following types of input:

  • forced opening with retractable element;
  • with using of the stabilized parachute;
  • hand input by soft pilot chute.
Design "Centaur - T" provides the following types of input:

  • forced opening with retractable element;
  • with using of the stabilized parachute.
The harness "Centaur" patented design combined with container type "Tandem", where main parachute is placed in the upper compartment of the container;

For connection with the stabilizing parachute instead of a double-cone lock with a rigid frame used three ring, placed in the upper compartment of the container;

Harness of the container "Centaur", "Centaur - M", provides reliable mounting of the chest container GK-30, GKN-30, GUK-3M etc. The harness provides parachutist's location with the height from 155 till 220cm;

Releasing element «Transit» allows the input of reserve parachute after releasing of the main parachute.

Container «Centaur»: «Centaur», «Centaur-М» are used:

  • training jumps;
  • sporting jumps;
  • production;
  • production jumps with cargo;
«Centaur-Т» is used:

  • training jumps;
input type for «Centaur», « Centaur -M»:

  • forced opening with releasing link;
  • with using stabilized parachute;
  • hand opening with soft pilot chute;
input type for «Centaur-T»:

  • forced opening with releasing link;
  • with using stabilized parachute;

canopies used type:

  • type «wing»;
automatic activation device type:

  • for input of main parachute PPK-U-165A-D (PPK-UVr-165);
  • for input of reserve parachute Cypres, Vigil or PPK-U-165A-D (PPK-UVr-165);
harness type for «Centaur», « Centaur -M»:

  • adjustable (for mounting cargo containers);
  • harness type for «Centaur-T»,
  • adjustable;
location of pilot chute reserve parachute under the container valves:

  • 4 valves;
container color selection:

  • color selection;
  • combination color selection;

  • customer advertisement;

size of the container depending in the main/rescue parachute:

Container typeReserve parachuteMain parachute
«Centaur» «Space»-250 «Vityaz»-235 «Test» - 235-265 «Dolphin-II» - 235-265 etc.
«Centaur -M» «Space»-290 «Lesnik-3М» - 290 etc.
«Centaur -Т» «Space»-250 «Vityaz»-235 «Test» - 235-265 «Dolphin-II» - 235-265 etc.
Base container set:

  • container with harness;
  • camera main parachute with bridle;
  • camera reserve parachute with bridle;
  • stabilized system;
  • pilot chute main parachute for «Centaur» and «Centaur-М»;
  • pilot chute reserve parachute
  • unlocking element MP;
  • releasing element RP;
  • container closing loop MP;
  • container closing loop RP;
  • rises MP with loops;
  • lines RP;
  • passport;
  • manual;
  • tie;
  • rubber set for camera MP;
  • releasing rope;
  • element «Transit».


  • reliable work input main and reserve parachute during jumps from aircrafts and helicopters in the indicated airspeed from 39 till 62,5m/s (140 – 225 km/h) immediate input or any delay opening container valves;
  • input if main parachute by the stabilized system, releasing pore, soft pilot chute;
  • stroke, necessary for input of the pilot chute - not more then 157H;
  • disconnection of the main parachute from harness on the ground and in the air with ring locking devices;
  • stroke, necessary for pulling out disconnection device of the main parachute - not more then 157H;
  • input of the reserve parachute with hand opening device and device of "Transit" system after disconnecting of the main parachute;
  • control of the reserve parachute with two lines;
  • adjustments of the harness for parachutists with the height from 155 till 220cm in summer and winter suits;
  • working temperatures from minus 40 till plus 40оС
  • using of automatic activation device "CYPRES" or semiautomatic PPK-U-165-D (PPK-UVr-165) for doubling of input reserve parachute;
Guaranteed lifetime - 200 uses.
Assigned lifetime - 500 uses, then - by the decision of the developer.